RAW Boswin Leaves the Plastics Business
I had some rather abrupt news in early October, 2002. After a stellar 15 year career at NOVA Chemicals, I found myself at a crossroads.
I had just installed the Digital Recording studio on a Thursday night, and spent the weekend in bliss, getting to know the new toy. I went to work the next Monday. I was an Additive Specialist in the Polyethylene Business. I had scheduled a career dialogue with my Leader that fateful day. What I did not know, was that it was going to be a career dialogue about MUSIC…
That’s right folks, I took the PACKAGE… The Golden Handshake….The Parachute… Wooooohoooooooooooo! Finally, I’m the best paid songwriter in Calgary for the next little while. We’ll see if I can keep rollin’ with it. I know it’s not about the money, but after 15 years of a steady pay check, you get used to food and stuff.
Let’s see now, what’s the plan… I know, I could do music full-time! I can use the new studio to make a few more CD’s and concentrate on marketing them. Good things come to those who wait. What looked like a kick in the ass turned out to be a friendly shove in the right direction.
I see it as Karma. I believe I have earned this break. I am in my prime, mentally, physically and perhaps even spiritually since this all came down. I have learned some huge and valuable lessons and will be writing about these last few months for many years to come.